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Thursday, May 5, 2011

PRAYER THERAPY PRIMER - first five pages

Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D. Prayer Therapy Primer
Daniel’s House Publishing - Indiana
Copyright © 2000, 2001 by Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
Original title: A Magnificat for a New Millennium: An Exquisite Adventure in Prayer.
1st Books - rev. 6/1/01
Released and updated November 2010 as an eBook.
All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission from the author.

ISBN:0-75962-746-0 A Magnificat for a New Millennium: An Exquisite Adventure in Prayer–Renamed–Prayer Therapy Primer

Dedicated to my husband, Bill, who is always patient with my writing, and to my parents, Dan and Mildred Gaines, who introduced me to God. I also dedicate this book on prayer to all my children: Vicki, Donna, James, Vonn, Kathleen, and Amanda. It has been a wonderful adventure to watch the will of God unfold in your lives.

Dr. Doris Gaines Rapp is a psychologist in Indiana. She is a child of the living father–God, a minister’s wife, a mother, and a grandmother, and only after those descriptors, is she a psychologist, writer, and speaker.

Dr. Rapp has directed the counseling centers at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana and Bethel College in Mishawaka, Indiana. She has taught school and has worked as a psychologist in two mental health centers. She is currently writing and in the
practice of psychology.


“Don’t ask me to pray, please. I don’t know how.”

Everyone can have a conversation with God. Don’t be afraid. Come, learn to pray as Jesus prayed, as he taught his disciples. Prayer Therapy Primer is a book of the elementary principles of Christ’s prayer.

Praying in the style of Jesus includes a series of elements that is basic to each prayer. This interactive book will identify and explain each phrase and help you learn to put each jeweled facet of the prayers you create into your own words.

To truly interact with the Primer, make entries in this book or keep a notebook or prayer journal with you as you read. There will be opportunities to write your own inspired examples of each fragment of the prayers. In your journal, set aside sections for prayer topics and for those for whom you pray. A friend identified
the latter as “my lovelies.”

Express each phrase of the prayers with words from your own heart and plant those tender shoots in your soul like young saplings waiting to blossom into glorious blooms. Your experience in prayer will change your life.

First published as A Magnificat for a New Millennium – An Exquisite Adventure in Prayer, the reader was invited to begin a life journey in prayer that would be their own Magnificat. A magnified life is a life lived large in the light of God.

Everyone seeks healing, physical healing and/or resurrection healing, but healing has often seemed elusive. The spiritual seems mysterious and available to others but not to us. Now, finally, Prayer Therapy Primer is a book that teaches the secrets of answered prayer. Prayer Therapy Primer is a sojourn in Prayer Therapy, an approach that teaches and practices healing. Prayer Therapy Primer outlines the steps in the
development of effective, specific praying. Learn to identify the captors that bind you to emotional and physical illness and how to pray for release from the bondage.

Prayer Therapy, as taught in Prayer Therapy Primer, can help many achieve the healing for which they long. Take the book with you to your own physician and/or therapist as you work through the pages, incorporating specific prayers with your medical treatments and/or therapy.

Find comfort for your spiritual restlessness by learning to pray specifically for physical and/or resurrection healing. The one whom many have sought has already come and he left a model, a template, for specific praying. New life will be breathed into that model as you internalize the prayer’s meaning and whisper the words in your own heart. Live the life you were intended to live, representing God’s love here on earth.

Learning to live fully is better embraced by the title, Prayer Therapy Primer, for that is what it is. Prayer Therapy is learning to target the areas of need and call them by name, so that healing can take place.

Come, children of God, speak to your father in the phraseology of his son, Jesus, as described in the sixth chapter of 7 Prayer Therapy Primer the book of Matthew.

Soli Deo Gloria–Glory to God alone.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Prayer Therapy Primer

Prayer Therapy Primer, by Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D., is now available as an eBook at and your computer is your eReader.

Learn to create prayers that target specific needs, so God our Father, can answer specifically. Receive healing for your mind and/or body through prayer. Doris Gaines Rapp’s On-Line Prayer Group uses Prayer Therapy prayers in the manner and style of Jesus Christ.

Don’t have a NOOK or eReader? Your PC, Laptop, Netbook, iPad, or Android can become your eReader with a free app from Barnes& (see below).

To order Prayer Therapy Primer go to and type in Doris Gaines Rapp at the top (Keyword, Title, Author) or Prayer
Therapy Primer. To access free workbook pages, go to:

For free app from, (1) go to NOOKbooks tab, (2) under NOOK Store click on Free NOOK Apps and follow the prompts on the left.

Word-of-mouth and the Internet will be the marketing tools for Prayer Therapy Primer. Please pass this on and help get the word out to as many people as possible.

Thank you and have a very Blessed Christmas.
Doris Gaines Rapp

Monday, November 29, 2010

Prayer Therapy Primer - eBook

Prayer Therapy Primer is a new eBook from Daniel's House Publishing and author Doris Gaines Rapp, PhD. Don't have an eReader? You don't need one. Go to Barnes& and download their free App on your PC, notebook, netbook, or Android. Prayer Therapy Primer is available at Barnes& as an eBook. It will appear in 24 to 72 hours from this date. Precise directions for downloading it will be available.

Everyone seeks healing, physical healing and/or resurrection healing, but healing has often seemed elusive. The spiritual seems mysterious and available to others but not to us. Now, finally, a book that teaches the secrets of answered prayer. Prayer Therapy Primer is a sojourn in Prayer Therapy, an approach that teaches and practices healing.

Prayer Therapy Primer outlines the steps in the development of effective, specific praying. Learn to identify the captors that bind you to emotional and physical illness and how to pray for release from the bondage. Prayer Therapy, as taught in Prayer Therapy Primer, can help many achieve the healing for which they long. Take the book with you to your own physician and/or therapist as you work through the pages, incorporating specific prayers with your medical treatments and/or therapy.

Prayer Group Leaders may want printed workshetsfor their participants. The "Worksheet with Suggestions" and the "Blank Worksheet" are available on the blog to download and copy for your personal and/or group use.

Blessinigs to you.